Dr Hew is a Consultant Endocrinologist in Puchong Medical Specialist Centre (PMSC) and Sime Darby Medical Centre (SDMC, Subang Jaya).
He is the Founding Chairman of the Independent Ethics Committee in SDMC since 2008. He is also a member of the Medical Advisory Board from 2007-2011 for which he held the post of Secretary from 2009-2011.
He is also active professionally in the role of trainer and the teacher. He is a member of the Conjoint Board Examination for Endocrinology in Malaysia. He is also an instructor for Bone Densitometry for International Osteoporosis Foundation. He has also been a member of committee of various Clinical Practice Guidelines in Malaysia including Diabetes Mellitus, Osteoporosis, Thyroid Disease and Growth Hormone. Besides, he sits on the panel for the Pharmaceutical Committee of the Drug Control Authority (DCA), Ministry of Health, Malaysia since 2005.
He has been an active member in various professional societies including The Endocrine Society (US), The Australian Diabetes Association, Malaysian Endocrine and Metabolic Society, Malaysian Diabetes Association, Malaysian Osteoporosis Society, and The International Growth Hormone Research Society.
Dr Hew has been working as an endocrinologist since 1996. He qualified from medicine in the University of Newcastle upon Tyne in 1987 for which he was awarded MBBS degree. While he was a student, he was awarded the Special Project Award for his research work on autoimmune thyroid disease in 1986. In 1992, he obtained the physician qualification with an MRCP(UK) post graduate diploma. He was working in the UK until 1992 in various hospitals while undergoing his physician training. He then joined the St Vincent’s Hospital, Melbourne, Australia in 1992 where he was trained as an endocrinologist. He obtained his Australian post graduate Physician Fellowship qualification FRACP in 1996. He was the recipient of the National Australian Postgraduate Scholarship and The Novo Nordisk Scholarship from the University of Melbourne while he was the Research Fellow in the University of Melbourne. He was awarded the Doctorate of Medicine from the University of Melbourne in 1997 for his work on ‘Glucose and lipid metabolism in growth hormone deficient adults and the effect of growth hormone replacement’.
He returned to Malaysia in 1996 where he was the Lecturer in the Department of Medicine, University of Malaya. While he was in University of Malaya, he was actively involved in medical research involving in more than 12 studies. He founded the Lipid Research Laboratory for which he was the head. He supervised several Master students and a Doctorate student. He was awarded the Anugerah Perkhidmatan (Melintang) in 1999. In the same year, he was promoted to Associate Professor of the Department of Medicine. In 2002, he left University of Malaya to join the Subang Jaya Medical Centre, presently known as the Sime Darby Medical Centre.
He was awarded the prestigious Royal Edinburgh College of Physician Fellowship from the UK, FRACP(Edin), in November 2001. He also obtained the Certificate for the International Society of Clinical Densitometry from the US in 2003.
He is active in medical research publishing 41 papers in peer reviewed journals and 86 abstracts.